
  • V.G. Kravchenko
  • A.V. Kravchenko



allergic contact dermatitis, allergic contact stomatitis, allergic contact cheilitis.


Contact-allergic dermatitis and stomatitis is one of the important problems of medicine. They are found in all age categories. Their epidemiology is highly variable and depends on the degree of industrial development, chemical production, etc., and the attention of the medical community to this issue. 28 patients of various ages were under dynamic observation of the authors. There were 23 people in the group of adult patients with contact allergic dermatitis: 11 of them were employees of car service stations, 6 – apartment repairmen, 4 – industrial enterprises, and 2 – gas stations. They showed increased sensitivity to automobile paints, solvents, cement, and glues, with which the workers systematically came into contact in their work. The duration of dermatitis ranged from one week to one month. The fact of sensitization was confirmed by positive allergy tests. 4 children aged from 8 months. by the age of 2, the so-called “potty” contact-allergic dermatitis from the use of plastic toilet bowls was detected, one 9-year-old boy had cheilitis due to the habit of chewing a chewing sponge. The treatment included, first of all, the elimination of the sensitizing effect of provoking factors, the use of antihistamines and hyposensitizing agents, calcium preparations, external glucocorticosteroid ointments and aerosols. A positive role was found with the local application of zinc-cydipol liniment.


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How to Cite

Kravchenko, V., & Kravchenko, A. (2023). CONTACT ALLERGIC DERMATITIS AND STOMATITIS (CLINICAL-ANALYTICAL REVIEW AND OWN OBSERVATIONS). Ukrainian Medical News, (1-2 (94-95), 20–23.