
  • O.M. Proshchenko
  • Ya.M. Vitovsky
  • S.V. Markitanyuk



uterine myoma, hysterectomy, genitourinary syndrome.


Uterine myoma are the most common tumor in the structure of gynecological diseases, and its frequency has increased in recent decades in women of reproductive and perimenopausal age, accounting for about 35–45%, and radical surgical treatment usually remains the method of choice in these women. We promptly rehabilitated 64 women of reproductive age with uterine leiomyoma who underwent transvaginal hysterectomy without appendages. Almost every third patient before the fifth year of monitoring after hysterectomy noted pelvic floor failure and signs of cysto-rectocele I–II degree, pelvic floor relaxation syndrome, and the severity of genitourinary disorders directly depended on surgical techniques, age of treatment and degree of hypoestrogenism. The current approaches to the rehabilitation of such patients after hysterectomy are scattered and contradictory, highlighting only some aspects of the correction of its consequences.


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How to Cite

Proshchenko, O., Vitovsky, Y., & Markitanyuk, S. (2023). GENITOURINARY SYNDROME AFTER VAGINAL HYSTERECTOMY. Ukrainian Medical News, (1), 61–63.


