
  • O.A. Oparin



history of medicine, Kyjivan Rusj, mystical medicine, monastic medicine, craft (secular) medicine, magi (magicians), sorcerers (witchers), healers-monks, physicians-craftsmen, doctors, osteopaths, bloodletters, dentists, masters of hemorrhoids, herbalists, knots, serpentines, amulets, healing, sorcery, divination, spells, incantation, bloodletting, monasticism, monks, blackheads, fasting men, friars (reverends), healers, oils, fasting, phytotherapy (herbal medicine), healing, stoss-therapy, afflict, leper, healed. Presbyter (elder) Damian, Theodosius of Pechersk, Anthony of Pechersk, John (Ioann, Ivan) Zatvirnyk (the Hermit, Anchoret, Anchorite), Agapitus, Olympias (Alypius).


The article analyzes the history of medicine of Kyjivan Rusj, there are three main areas: mystical, monastic and craft (secular). Accordingly, there are three types of persons who represented these areas. Mystical medicine was represented by magi (magicians) and sorcerers (witchers), monastic medicine by healers-monks, and craft (secular) medicine by physicians-craftsmen and doctors. The names of monks-healers of the Kyjivan Rusj period are given, such as the presbyter (elder) Damian, Theodosius of Pechersjk, Anthony of Pechersjk, John (Ioann, Ivan) Zatvirnyk (the Hermit), Agapit, Olympias (Alypius) and others. It is emphasized that the entry of the western and central lands of Rusj-Ukraine into the sphere of European influence contributed to the formation of the Ukrainian medical class, while the eastern parts of Ukraine, which remained outside the sphere of European influence, remained very backward in the medical sphere.


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How to Cite

Oparin, O. (2023). DOCTORS, PHYSICIANS, MAGI AND OTHER HEALERS OF KYJIVAN RUSJ. Ukrainian Medical News, (3-4), 205–211.


