clinical pharmacology, education, personalized medicine.Abstract
The rapid development of clinical pharmacology took place in the second half of the twentieth century, and it was important that clinical pharmacologists realized the influence of drug metabolism in interpersonal differences in response to drugs; the study of genetically determined features of their pharmacokinetics was started. At present, clinical pharmacology is considered in three main aspects - education, research and health. The question of effective and safe use of drugs is not only before pharmacologists, but also before doctors of other specialties and pharmacists. Technological advances are aimed at the development of patient-centered clinical pharmacology and personalized medicine. It is necessary to integrate the efforts of different fundamental and clinical disciplines to train specialists who will solve the growing problems of multimorbidity and polypharmacy. Among the promising areas are to improve the visibility of the specialty, its clinical and economic value for health care in general and for every citizen.
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