



postgraduate education, medicine, ways of optimization, internship, residency.


The aim of the article is to analyze the features of postgraduate education in different European countries and to suggest ways to optimize the development of medicine in Ukraine under present-day conditions. Materials and methods. A review of the literature on medical education in different countries, data from official Internet resources and data from the Ministry of Health of Ukraine was performed. Results and discussion. Brief information about modern features of postgraduate education in Ukraine and the world has been provided. Parallels at different stages of training have been drawn, and their duration, directions, and main characteristics have been analyzed. The period of training of a practitioner in Ukraine is one of the shortest in the world – 6–9 years, and the longest among European countries is in France – 9–14 years. Conclusions. In the process of reforming postgraduate education in Ukraine, it is necessary to focus on the unification of curricula and the approximation of standards of postgraduate education. The introduction of a gradual transformation of the system by increasing the duration of postgraduate training will bring the level of education closer to European standards and train competitive professionals. 


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How to Cite

Matsyura, O. (2023). WAYS TO OPTIMIZE THE DEVELOPMENT OF POSTGRADUATE EDUCATION IN UKRAINE UNDER PRESENT-DAY CONDITIONS. Ukrainian Medical News, (3-4 (96-97), 62–66. https://doi.org/10.32782/umv-2023.2.11

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