postgraduate education, pediatric surgery, competencies, European Union оf Medical Specialists.Abstract
The modern approach in postgraduate training of the pediatric surgeons is the introduction of stage and competence training. In order to quickly and qualitatively change the tactics of postgraduate education, cooperation with recognized European institutions is very important. European Union Of Medical Specialists (EUMS) is the public organization representing national associations of medical professionals of European countries. Cooperation with the EUMS in the field of postgraduate education will pave the way for a European approach to postgraduate education, as well as promote the free movement of medical professionals across Europe, while providing the highest level of training. In the article the official data based on EUMS materials and analysis of postgraduate education programs approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine were used. To ensure this task, we have proposed a model of training that is consistent with the basic principles and requirements of the ESMF and includes three main links: training requirements for interns, training requirements for trainers and requirements for educational (medical) institution. Harmonization of education with the European system is possible provided that all three points of the organization of education are clearly observed. To ensure the transition from the traditional model of experience-based learning, it is necessary to minimize the volunteer share in providing postgraduate education by improving the organization of internship training and optimizing control over its implementation.
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